Welcome to CashVault

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Get Smarter with Money; Become Richer...

Your companion in getting richer and living the life of your dreams

CashVault is your application for managing all things saving, budgeting, and investment

Automatic Saving

Put your savings on autopilot; set the frequency and your wallet will regularly deposit your savings on CashVault.

Save Manually

You don't like auto-saving? Then save on the go with the CashVault manual saving.

Lock-up Funds

Sometimes, it's better to just lock funds away if you know you want to be more disciplined with your finances.

DCA Into Trades

Set a schedule where you will always buy profitable crypto tokens and hold. Then sell when the prices immensely increased

Liquidity Provision

Become a liquidity provider in top Web3 protocols and get rewarded for it.

CashVault Investment

You wanna invest, but not really sure how to? Lock your funds with CashVault to trade for you.

Set Spending Limits

Build healthier financial habits by gauging all your major spendings

Expense & Income Tracking

Sit back to examine how your money has been coming and going.